Eroun&Company Hero Image

Your Reliable GenAI Security Partner

We enable enterprises to safely and securely leverage the power of GenAI.

Unlock the power of AI to drive innovation and propel organizations forward with unwavering confidence.

A New Future, eRoun&Company



SAIFE X logo

Unlock a vast array of GenAI services while safeguarding your corporate secrets and personal data.
Discover the power of multiple AI solutions for unparalleled results.
Tap into the potential of AI with a wide array of models that will transform your approach to growth.
Embrace the future and make AI your reliable partner for accomplishing the unimaginable.

SAIFE X hero image

Panorama View of Diverse LLMs

  • Unlock the power of comprehensive visibility into a multitude of LLMs, ranging from ChatGPT to local LLMs
  • Allow/Block Scanners
  • Usage and cost management by user/LLM

PII & Confidential Data Protection

  • Analyze unstructured data with AI-based privacy decisions
  • Detect source code leaks in your company
  • Detect software license keys and API leaks in your enterprise

Prompt Jailbreaking & Injection Detection

  • Using LLM chatbots to identify attacks that prompt sensitive information responses in real time

Red-Team Engine

  • Preliminary simulated jailbreaking techniques and countermeasures against LLM trickery
  • Discover the advanced technology that can determine if LLM is actively relearning valuable customer data



We were impressed by the creative serendipity of generative AI, despite its security threats and risks.
We were certain that if organizations could securely deploy generative AI, they would enjoy unprecedented creativity and growth.
It was January 2024, our team was formed to prove that.

We will leverage our 25+ years of experience, insights, and network in the information security industry to help us grow.
Whenever we encounter a challenge, we're going to consider that what we're assuming may be wrong, and, as always, we're going to figure it out.
We'll be a fast-learning, fast-growing team that will benefit from this experience.

Experience the ultimate in secure GenAI technology delivered right to your fingertips.
Our top priority is providing our valued customers with a safe and protected experience like no other.

Introducing Team eRoun, where a group of dynamic and passionate professionals come together to create an unparalleled experience of fun and excitement.

Flexible thinking and agile execution

Test and confirm theories quickly with the thought that my theory might be wrong.
Repeat the Fit and Refine process, looking at new issues from different perspectives.

Positive disagreements and mutual trust

Give background information without passing judgment.
Embrace constructive criticism from our colleagues and strive to enhance our processes and achieve outstanding results.
Even if it involves messing with a completed job, figure out how to attain better outcomes in the end.

Simple, sophisticated customer experiences

We give the customer experience great thought.
Always seeing our offerings from the perspective of our clients and varying our approach to address issues.
Discover how our exceptional products and unparalleled hospitality in the field can pave the way to enduring relationships with our valued customers.




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오픈AI의 챗GPT, 구글의 제미나이와 같은 생성형 AI(인공지능)와 주고 받을 법한 대화다. 이처럼 챗GPT 등 거대언어모델(LLM)에 프롬프트(명령문)를 넣을 때 개인정보나 기업의 민감한 데이터를…


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Please get in touch with us anytime you have questions.